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Alicia B. Flores Aqua Pilates student
To Whom it May Concern; I love my Aqua Pilates class – can’t live without it – been coming almost 2 years faithfully. Cholesterol down 86 points, joints more mobile… I love the class and my instructor. Don’t ever stop these classes – please! – Thanks.

Sandi M. Peyow™ Aqua Pilates Instructor
Strong people find their weaknesses, weak people find their strengths. All are able to succeed and find challenges at varying levels.

Susan Charles
Although I have at least 6 other CD’s I use for my yoga/ai chi class, my students say the Aquacadence CD is their favorite music. Also, I’ve begun to incorporate some of the moves from the pilates DVD into my other therapeutic exercise classes, and I’ve gotten excellent feedback. I am impressed with all that I see, and it is hard to impress me. I’m glad I found you!

Chicago Magazine, March 2005
Dear Chrysse, Spa Manager, Peninsula Chicago Hotel

I wanted to take this opportunity to sing my praises for Anne Burnell, the instructor for the Aqua Pilates class. First, I can’t emphasize how important this class was for me during the past year and a half! Anne has created a very divergent community of enthusiasts who are devoted to her and to each other. We are a group of men and women, young and old, many recovering from a recent surgery or injury, some living with a chronic illness – and yet Anne is always able to customize the exercise routine for each member of the group. On a couple of occasions when I have asked Anne a question that she was unsure about, when I showed up at the next class, Anne had done her homework and provided me with a thorough explanation. It is very clear that Anne’s devotion to her students does not end when class is over – she is a consummate professional and I hope the Spa recognizes her as such! Even though I frequently use the gym for my workouts, I can take everything that I have learned from Anne wherever I go – all I need is a pool. That is a tremendous gift, and I would like to thank you and Anne for providing such a unique and superb class at the Spa.

Peyow Aqua Pilates (derived from the Mandarin word for “float”) Think yoga crossed with gentle calisthenics, circus acrobatics, and the occasional muscle burn of weightlifting. Expect a hearty abdominal workout while twisting into positions possible only in the water, a boon that will bring flexibility to your hamstrings and lats.


What Instructors Are Saying
“Thanks for all that you do!  BTW, my classes LOVE the Peyow Aqua Pilates!!  (BJ and I each have classes with attendance levels between 12 – 20 on a regular basis!)  :)”  -Melissa Z.

“I have taught Peyow™ Aqua Pilates for over 1 year and have seen a lot of progress with my students; from improvement of balance and stability to lowering of cholesterol and significant weight loss. Many express a lot of core strength and relief of back pain.”

“This is an amazing course! I look forward to teaching Peyow™ Aqua Pilates for a long time to come!”  
“This course was well worth the trip.”
“I was impressed with how Peyow™ Aqua Pilates can be beneficial in all areas of your body. Anne was very informative and delightful. She has provided me some really helpful feedback. I am looking forward to Level 2!”
“The materials are great and I feel that the cues used are very easy to explain to clients.”
“The biomechanics information was incredible and I found the modifications extremely helpful. The course exceeded my expectations. Anne was passionate and knowledgeable about everyarea that was presented. Thank you for sharing your gifts to help future instructors train more beautifully and safely.”  
“Excellent materials and delivery of information, both in and out of the pool.”
“This was a great presentation; very thorough and well thought out program. I enjoyed it very much.”  
“Peyow™ Aqua Pilates emphasizes correct posture. It takes the best of land based Pilates and uses the principles of water to make the movements even more effective.”
“I really enjoyed how Level 2 training incorporated and extended from Level 1 exercises. Anne’s explanations are clear and informative.”